Protect your project and the environment with Sediment Control


Prevent Sediment from entering Drains

We can provide protection against sediment leaving your building site and entering our waterways by placing coir logs or sediment socks around drains or driveways. In conjunction with Sediment Fencing your site will have improved work conditions, less public complaints, and help provide cleaner waterways with healthier aquatic life. Council fines can be very costly for non-complying sites.


Protect Roadways from Sediment Run off

A correctly installed sediment fence will provide protection against sediment run off onto our roads, down the drains and into out waterways. A Sediment control management plan may need to be submitted to council for approval before work begins. Your plan should address location design, scheduling and maintenance.


Sediment Control
Guide lines

Sediment Socks in conjunction with correctly installed sediment fencing, is the best way to stay up to standard with the government guide lines and prevent your company getting a fine, and also to protect our waterways.
Is your site up to spec to the government guide lines for sediment control, see below downloadable PDF.

Request your Free Quote Today!

Call 1300 353 994